Hope everyone is looking forward to another great year. For those new to the club this is My Photo Club. This is a hosting site that the club uses for competitions. But you will also find a calendar of events and the home page has links to our website. Our website has the current syllabus as well as information about resizing your images for comps. I will be sending out information to our new members, as well as those who have requested it, about how to join My Photo Club. Any problems please reach out. info@whittleseaphotographyclub.com

Feel free to use the VAPS folder as a test run on submitting images. It is quite easy to delete and resubmit so don’t panic.

I also suggest to those who are not active on our private Facebook group to take advantage of this site. i will do my best to keep it up to date. Again though – if you are not sure – please reach out.

Here’s to another fabulous year of Photography

